7 Common Signs Of Refrigerant Leak That You Should Not Ignore

Air conditioners add a lot of comfort in our everyday lives and nobody likes the heat creeping inside their house during the summer days. If you find that your air-conditioner is not cooling enough or warm air is blowing from the AC then it might be a sign that there is a refrigerant leak.
Refrigerant is responsible for cooling the warm the air and if there is a leak in the refrigerant then it hinders the circulation of cool airflow in the house. A refrigerant leak is a big issue and you would need to call an ac service in Stuart FL to fix the issue. The following are some signs of a refrigerant leak.

It takes a long time to cool your home

Refrigerant is the component in your AC that absorbs the heat from your home and releases it outside, thus playing a key role in the cooling process. If there is a depletion in the level of refrigerant or a leak in the refrigerant then it will take longer to cool your surroundings. If you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat even though it is running properly and still the house is not cooling enough then you can be sure that there is a leak in the refrigerant and you need to hire a technician immediately to fix the issue.

Registers are not blowing cool air

If you’re suspecting a refrigerant leak then the quickest way to check the leak is to see if the registers are blowing cool air or not. Go to the air blowing registers and check if it is blowing cool air and if you notice warm air coming out of it then it is an indicator that your refrigerant is not doing its work and you need to call an AC technician to check the if the refrigerant levels are adequate or if there is a leak in the refrigerant.

AC coils are frozen

If there is improper circulation of refrigerant through the evaporator coil then the condensation in the coil will begin to freeze up ultimately freezing the entire evaporator coil. The ice in the coil is a bigger issue than it seems and it can eventually lead your entire system AC system to breakdown. The AC repair is extremely expensive when it completely breaks down. If you notice ice crystals forming on the evaporator coil then turn your AC off and call a technician.

Hissing sounds when the AC turns on

A refrigerant leak is often caused by holes and cracks in the evaporator coil and an indicator of this problem is a hissing sound when your AC is turned on. Although there could be various other reasons why your AC makes a hissing sound, a refrigerant leak is one of them. The sound comes from the condenser unit which is located outside the house and it may not be the first sign that you notice. If your home air conditioning in Palm City is blowing warm air then go out and check if there is any hissing sound coming from the condenser unit.

A rise in electricity bills

Another major sign of a refrigerant leak is a spike in the electricity bills. When there is a refrigerant leak, your AC is unable to efficiently cool your home and as a result, you might frequently dial down the thermostat level. Frequently adjusting the thermostat makes the AC unit consume more electricity and you may see an exponential rise in the electricity bills.

Increased humidity inside the house

An efficient and optimally performing air conditioner takes about 15 minutes to dehumidify the entire house. But, if you constantly find your house interiors humid even when the AC is on, then it is a sure sign that there is a problem with the refrigerant.

Water leaking from the evaporator coil

If you notice water leaking from the evaporator coil then possibly there is a refrigerant leak. The evaporator coil in your AC is placed over a furnace and is cooled with the help of refrigerant. As the warm air from your home is absorbed, it flows over the refrigerant, which cools down the air. If there is a depletion in the refrigerant level it can lead to a big quantity of condensation to form on the coil and it will begin to leak.


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